Why is the Fish a Christian Symbol?
Jan Weber
The fish is thought to have been chosen by the early
Christians for several reasons:
• The Greek
word for fish (ICHTUS), works as an acrostic for I = Jesus, C = Christ, TH =
God's, U = Son, S = Savior (Also see Christian beliefs about Jesus Christ)
• The fish
would not be an obvious Christian symbol to persecutors; It is said that during
the persecution of the early church, a Christian meeting someone new would draw
a single arc in the sand. If the other person was a Christian, he or she would
complete the drawing of a fish with a second arc. If the second person was not
a Christian, the ambiguity of the half-symbol would not reveal the first person
as a Christian. (Also see Christian history and Christian beliefs and Christian
fast facts)
• Jesus'
ministry is associated with fish: he chose several fishermen to be his
disciples and declared he would make them "fishers of men."
At VBS this year we learned about the early church in Rome
and taught the children about the fish symbol.
I brought in a small metal fish for the metal worker's shop that was
intended to be put on the bumper of a car that my daughter had gotten for me
several years ago. I was never one for
bumper stickers or window decals on my car, but after VBS was over, I decided
that I should finally put my fish on my car.
Instead of putting it on the bumper to identify myself as a Christian to
whoever was behind me, I decided to put it just above my door handle. Now every time I get in my car, I see it, I
touch it, and I remind myself that I am a Christian. I sometimes do my best praying in the car.
Heavenly Father, Thank you that we live in a place where we
can freely express our Christian faith.
Please protect the Christians in other parts of this world who are still
persecuted for their faith, and give them courage and strength. In Jesus name, Amen.
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