Exodus 20:5-6 “You shall not bow down to them or worship
them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for
the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who hate
me, but showing love to a thousand generations, of those who love me and keep
my commandments.”
As I was preparing a Bible Study to share with some
Christian sisters, the lesson was on jealousy, one of the ugly sinful emotions
in our world. Jealousy is the green-eyed monster, so says Shakespeare in
Othello -- being envious of someone or something that one person has but another
person doesn’t have.
It is a sin because it breeds envy, greed, covetousness,
selfishness, or hostility because our heart isn’t satisfied with what we have.
We want what someone else has -- the ‘better’ job, more pay, bigger house,
bigger diamond, more of the material things in life, etc. I am sure you can
name many other ‘things’ that we worship/covet. These are examples of sinful
So how do we interpret the words of Exodus 20:5-6 – “I, the
LORD your God, am a jealous God”? Is the jealousy described here different than
the jealousy that Shakespeare was talking about? The word ‘jealous’ in Exodus 5
is translated the same as the word ‘zealous’. God is zealous for His people –
the love He has for us is zealous. He zealously desires us to be exclusive to
Him in our devotion, study, worship, prayer.
Striving to change our sinful jealousy into the righteous
jealousy of faithfulness to our Lord should be our focus.
Prayer: Dear Lord - May the jealousy that is our sin because
we want something that is not ours be changed into God’s jealousy -- zeal for
our Lord and love for Him as deep as the love he has for us. In the name of
Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
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