Friday, August 4, 2017

Cindy Zwergel   All things work together for good to those who love God

 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

It’s my favorite verse, Romans 8:28. It’s gotten me through some pretty tough times. Times of darkness when I felt abandoned and alone. Those times in life when you wallow in self-pity, crying “why me, Lord?”. But Romans 8:28 has always been a light – my assurance that good will come from whatever circumstance I find myself in.  I believe it because I have seen it in my life.

Sometimes I have found myself in dark times because God needed to change my path in life.  I don’ know about you, but sometimes (often times!), I am stubborn in my ways, refusing to change 
direction in my life, even when I know I should. Where other people may only need a gentle nudge, I need a collision, and God loves me enough to provide me with a direct hit.

At other times in my life, I have found myself in darkness for no apparent reason. I find myself in a situation I don’t deserve, and I feel hurt and confused. Looking back on these times, I have realized that I am in that place not because of me, but because God is using me to help someone else.  

Sometimes we are in dark places to rescue others – we are in the darkness to be the light for someone else whom God loves. 

If you truly believe, as I do, that ALL things work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to HIS purpose, you will look at life a little differently.  To me, it has become a challenge to look back and see how the hand of God has worked though situations in my life.  

Sometimes it takes years to see His plan unfold, and sometimes I’ve known instantly. Then there are times when it’s not been revealed to me – I will never know the impact I made or who I helped by being the light. But I trust God has used me. And I hope that He uses me again!

If you are in a dark place, a place where you feel abandoned, unloved, ashamed, alone… take heart.
Look AROUND:  there may be someone who needs your hand, your words, your light, God’s love.
Look UP:  to the One who loves you, and know that He has a plan for you.

Do not despair! You will get through this time, and if you try, you may even see His purpose revealed.

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