Mark Mizer
These are the statutes
and ordinances which you shall be careful to do in the land which the Lord, the
God of your Fathers, has given you to possess, all the days that you live upon
the earth. (Deuteronomy 12:1 RSV)
There are four basic tenets of the Presbyterian Faith:
1) We are saved through grace alone. We can do nothing to
earn this grace. It is a gift from God manifest in the sacrifice of Christ on
the cross and through his resurrection.
2) We are a priesthood of believers. All of us are capable
and have a responsibility to proclaim the word of God to others.
3)The Bible is our authority or 'sola scriptura'. We believe
the Bible alone is our foundation of belief. All the catechisms, confessions
and creeds are based on the Bible.
And, the fourth is probably the most difficult to grasp and
understand. 'God alone is our Lord of conscience.' To me, this is the essence of what it means
to be Presbyterian, aside from our polity. This tenet can be viewed in
different ways by different people with varying biases.
Historically, the Presbyterian church, as a denomination,
and unlike other denominations takes no stand on some of the more controversial
social issues of our times: abortion, homosexuality and capital punishment and
the numerous issues that go with these. The Presbyterian Church, USA position
is: as a denomination there is no position.
This does not mean there aren't very vocal and active advocates for both
sides. Far from it.
Presbyterians have
been advocates of all manner of social issues for many years. For example,
Presbyterians were some of the more outspoken advocates of abolition before the
Civil War. Our Confessions advocate certain beliefs from the Scots Confession
to a Brief Statement of Faith. But, our confessions are not part of our Book of
Order. They are separate, quite intentionally.
This can be vexing to many people because they either want
someone to tell them what to believe or they want to use a rigid doctrine to
have something solid to hang onto for comfort and consistency.
But, the Presbyterian tradition is a little more demanding
of our mindful attention to our faith, how we live our faith, how we accept
others who do not agree with us and how we accept people into our church family
who are 'different'.
In my opinion, if we as a denomination are to proclaim
certain behaviors to be abhorrent or sinful we may use that doctrine to exclude
certain people from our church family and as a result back ourselves into an
inescapable corner. To proclaim certain behaviors as sinful and not acceptable
in our circle would be to say we as individuals in the church do NOT sin,
or, we say our sins are different and
thus less offensive than others. But, isn't sin still sin regardless? We come
to this church not to proclaim our holiness or to feel good about ourselves. We
come first to worship and glorify our Almighty God, and to truly give thanks to Him, asking Him to
forgive our sins of commission and omission, and, to ask Him to suffer our
needs, desires and dreams. Who are we to have the power of judgement over
others? Let's leave that to God.
To me this is the essence of John Calvin. We as individuals
have the freedom to seek God's will for our lives. But, for us to seek God's
will for others based on our individual experiences and prejudices appears to
be a non-starter. That we have prejudges
and biases is inescapable and undeniable. Calvin understood this and asks all
believers and even doubters to study the Bible and to educate ourselves and
pray for God inspired enlightenment. I refer to this as an objective faith or
at least a rational faith where we do not allow our biases to guide our
behavior in how we treat and accept others into our communion. So may it be.
Prayer: O God, our
God, inspire us to continually seek your way and your path in leading others to
be part of your communion, to be part of your family in Christ. Gird us,
strengthen us, fortify us to do the things we need to do to, first, to worship you, always, and to represent the
people of Sharon Church in a way that
pleases you. We pray this in the name of your most Holy Son, our Christ, Jesus. Amen.